PwC’s top 10 healthcare industry issues for 2017

PwC’s top 10 healthcare industry issues for 2017

According to Healthcare IT News, the year ahead holds both opportunity and uncertainty, the consulting firm noted, with the Affordable Care Act’s fate coming into question as healthcare organizations move into the new world of value-based care and other advances.

There’s no doubt that with President-elect Donald J. Trump preparing to take office, the healthcare industry is headed for significant changes on many fronts. In a new report, “Top health industry issues of 2017: A year of uncertainty and opportunity,” the consulting firm PWC outlines its view of how the healthcare landscape will take shape and how to prepare for it.

Among the report’s conclusions: Despite calls for its repeal, the fate of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) remains unclear; pharma’s business relationships with Washington and with its customers may undergo major alterations; new technologies will alter many of our preconceptions about healthcare delivery; and perhaps most enduring, the shift towards value-based care will continue its development, altering the healthcare landscape.

“Many of the top health industry issues of 2017 highlight how this shift toward value is occurring, and how traditional health organizations and new entrants are responding to it,” the consulting firm report said. “There are three main tactics that organizations will use to address this shift to value – they will adapt, they will innovate and they will build new programs and approaches to their work. “

Despite uncertainty with the new administration, “the industry also will continue to be rich with opportunity, as forces greater than politics carry on its transformation,” the report said.


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Healthcare IT News – PwC’s top 10 healthcare industry issues for 2017

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