Taxes, Regulation, Healthcare: What Trump Could Mean For Small Businesses

Taxes, Regulation, Healthcare: What Trump Could Mean For Small Businesses

A recent article published on Forbes states, what does a Trump presidency mean for small business? Hard to say. Unlike Hillary Clinton, Trump didn’t go out of his way to reach small business owners. And unlike Clinton, Trump ran a campaign more concerned with principles than specific policies. He was even willing to rearrange principles when politics demanded it.

Inside the Beltway — and even on the hustings — the prevailing view was Trump didn’t mean half the things he said. We’ll find out soon how interested he is in pursuing any of the proposals he floated on the campaign trail. But on three issues often identified as leading concerns of small-business owners — taxes, regulations and healthcare — Trump’s positions align with the Republican agenda. Even if his interest in policy proves to be overestimated, with Republican majorities in the House and the Senate, Trump will likely be in a strong position to make significant changes in all three areas.

Trump marched in lockstep with congressional Republicans when he promised to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act. They can do that now with just a simple majority in the Senate — rather than the 60 votes needed to break a filibuster — using a process known as reconciliation.

Follow the link below to read this article in its entirety:

Forbes – Taxes, Regulation, Healthcare: What Trump Could Mean For Small Businesses

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