Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? Small businesses sound off on health-care reform

Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? Small businesses sound off on health-care reform

Recently reported by CNBC, With November elections just over a month away, small-business owners are wondering what a new administration might mean for the nation’s health-care system.

The candidates have squared off on whether or not the Affordable Care Act, President Obama’s sweeping health-care reform law often referred to as Obamacare, should survive. Hillary Clinton has talked about strengthening the landmark act, while Donald Trump has vowed to repeal the law on his first day of office.

The dueling ideas have Pedro Alfonso concerned. The chairman and CEO of Washington, D.C.–based Dynamic Concepts, which provides infrastructure services for utility companies in the area, has long offered health insurance to his staff of more than 300. But he says the Affordable Care Act has led to more work and rising costs of some 10 percent last year, burdening the company.

“The ACA is good-intentioned,” he said. “But it has unintended consequences on small businesses — the cost of implementing it has fallen on small businesses like our own.”

To view the full report follow the link below:

CNBC – Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? Small businesses sound off on health-care reform

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